From the President’s Chair

Welcome to 2025!  Can you believe it’s been a quarter of a century since the Y2K scare?  First off, I am sending my sincerest thanks to our members and sponsors.  Without your continued support, the CCBE would not exist.  Our sponsors allow us to provide valuable sessions in a very comfortable setting for a price that is very affordable, making it accessible to our members.  We have some exciting changes planned for this year which will be detailed in future announcements as they are finalized.  The aim is to make this year’s conference even more attractive to people who would otherwise find it difficult to attend.

Please take some time to nominate someone for the Bob Norton Ambassador of the Year Award, the CCBE Engineering Excellence Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award.  You can send your nominations to or any member of the executive, or use the handy form under the CCBE Awards menu.

We are always looking for ideas for presentations and if you think of any or have just completed a project and would like to show off your engineering skills to the rest of us, please let us know.  Don’t think you can fill a regular slot?  No problem.  We will create a 15 or 20 minute slot just for you.

I wish you all the best that 2025 has to offer and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Sean T. Craig Sr.

CCBE President


From time to time, we are contacted to pass along an employment opportunity to our members.  We will post them below but make no warranties about the validity or quality of the position being offered.


You can get caught up on past newsletters here.  Click the buttons below for more.

Broadcast Dialogue publishes an article about our Conferences.   You can read them or check out the photo galleries below.